Coaching for Holistic Health & Emotional Wellbeing for Women
Jessie M Coaching is founded and driven by a passion for understanding the "why" behind the gaps in our physical, biochemical and emotional well-being. Utilising dozens of techniques and evidence based coaching methodology's we guide women, step by step to bridge those gaps and live their best life, whatever that looks like for them.
Jess with over 10 years of clinical experience as a highly sought after Chiropractor, she is a trusted holistic family health practitioner and now an emotional well-being and life coach, helping countless women and families to improve their health with a thorough, personalised and multilayered approach.
At Jessie M Coaching we have a true respect for the ever growing evidence that the expression of our physical and biochemical health and wellbeing is directly related to our mental and emotional state.
In a time of ever increasing noise, stress and external challenges we help to unlock and propel you to be and feel your best, inside and out.

Jessie M Signature Program
Level 2
12 month "ULTIMATE YOU QUEST" Online Program
The 12 step system to create life on your terms.
Access to Private Facebook Group
Share and be supported on your journey in a safe community of like-minded women.
12 Monthly Group Mentoring Sessions
Where we unpack, explore and troubleshoot what you're learning in a safe, supportive group.
Designed to target and apply this transformational content to YOU and YOUR life!

Jessie M Signature Program
Level 3
12 month "ULTIMATE YOU QUEST" Online Program
The 12 step system to create life on your terms.
Access to Private Facebook Group
Learn, be inspired, share and be supported on your journey in a safe community of like-minded women.
12 Monthly Group Mentoring Sessions
Where we unpack, explore and troubleshoot what you're learning in a safe, supportive group. Designed to target and apply this transformational content to YOU and YOUR life!
Where we explore YOUR UNIQUE behavioural and default patterning to empower AND to equip you with powerful insights and skills to better manage your energy especically when navigating the relationship with yourself, your loved ones and your colleagues.
12 Monthly 1on1 Coaching Sessions
This is where the real magic happens! We bring everything together, working with you indivually, step by step to truly transfom your life, health and emotional wellbeing. Addressing underlying causes to current challenges and creating powerful progress and clear way forward.
Sometimes its hard to see the forest through the trees and we can forget whats important to us.
This session draws out the values you want to live by now, helping you to know what and who is in alignment or not.
Sometimes its hard to see the forest through the tress.

How is Your Emotional Health Affecting Your Life?
Discover your Emotionality Profile & gain powerful insights into your inner world and how you perceive the world around you.
Understand your internal world better and unlock your full potential for health and feeling WELL from the inside out.

Empower yourself to make conscious choices about how you approach challenges, how you connect with others and how you create the level of health and life that YOU want.
Access your Emotionality Profile Tool
To Unlock What's Holding You Back & What Can Propel You In Life & Health

Meet Your Professional Coach
Hi, my name is Jess, founder of Jessie M Coaching, owner and senior practitioner at Nest Family Chiropractic.
Through our online training programs, group mentoring and tailored 1:1 coaching sessions we help women like you make sense of the "noise" whether around us or inside us, it can become loud and confusing. We empower and equip you to get clarity on your life, your health and your emotional world in all its layers and overlaps, unveiling the true you and unlocking your best life, physically, biochemically and emotionally.
Whether you're looking to improve your health, your emotional and mental state or need a breakthrough in your home or work life in general, we're here to help you break through limitations and excel step by step.
I trust this is the beginning of us getting to know each other and I look forward to helping you to unlock the extraordinary You and Your optimal Health, so that you can (from a full cup) restore, create, serve and live the life you want.

In the words of. . .

The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.
Thomas Edison
Inventor of the light bulb, phonograph and motion picture camera.

The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of the body.
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award. World leader and author in world of quantum physics, immunolgy and epigentics.

Our ability to think, feel and choose has the power of life and death and will determine the way we live our lives today and in the new creation.
Dr. Caroline Leaf
Communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics.